Why Your Pool Water is Cloudy and How to Fix It

Cloudy pool water can happen to anyone. You may be wondering what is causing cloudy pool water and how you can fix it. As professional pool builders, we have some tips on what may be happening and how to get your pool clear again.

How do I know my pool water is cloudy?

You may notice your pool’s water begin to change clarity. It is common for cloudy pool water to appear the following ways: dull, hazy, cloudy, or opaque. Your pool may progress through these stages of cloudiness if nothing is done. It may start out lacking sparkle, and end up completely obscured (think Galveston water).

How can I fix it?

Check your chlorine levels

It’s possible that your pool could have a chlorine imbalance. Because chlorine kills bacteria, this could cause issues with pool cleanliness and clarity. Depending on the pH levels of the pool, chlorine could become ineffective, then turning into chloramine that can make the pool cloudy.

It’s recommended that the chlorine levels be under 0.5ppm. Be sure to check chlorine levels and take care of adding more if necessary. If you need help with this, consider contacting a pool builder in Houston or Katy to assist you.

The filter could be compromised

Poor filtration can definitely contribute to pool cloudiness. This is one of the more common causes of a cloudy or hazy pool. Make sure to check that your filter isn’t clogged. It’s also possible that you aren’t running the filter for the appropriate amount of time (about 8 hours a day is recommended). A professional pool builder can help you diagnose the problem and replace the parts that may be worn out.

Check your calcium

Similar to chlorine, calcium levels can be disrupted by pH imbalances as well. Excess calcium can cause build-up deposits and murkiness. Ideal CH (calcium hardness) levels should be between 100-400ppm. Be sure to check the levels and use a water softener or setting agent if necessary. pH levels can be adjusted with increasers and/or reducers.

Watch out for rainwater

Here in Houston, we know how wet our weather can be. Rainwater can affect your pool by adding various chemicals that can cause cloudiness. It can also affect your chlorine’s ability to do its job. Because it can disrupt the pH, be sure to test the levels after a storm and use a pH balancing agent to get things back to normal.

How can I prevent the problem?

Regular pool maintenance is key to preventing pool cloudiness. Be sure to regularly test your chlorine and pH levels as well. Also, make sure your pool equipment is high-quality and replaced when necessary.

More questions? Contact 3D Pools and Landscape pool builders and experts

If you still have questions about the quality of your pool, be sure to contact us for help. As professional pool builders in Houston and Katy, we can help you have the best pool possible.

For more tips, visit our blog.


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